Want to know what's happening at our school? Sign up for the Falkenpost!
What is the Falkenpost?
The Falkenpost is the newsletter for Fairview-Clifton German Language School. It contains school news, important Fairview and CPS dates, community events/announcements and more. It is the best way to know what is going on with the Fairview community.
When does the Falkenpost go out?
Typically we send it out onq1` Friday Evening.
Occasionally send out a "Special Edition Falkenpost" during the week when we have an event we are sending a reminder about, need volunteers for an event or just have some pertinent information to get to our Fairview Families as soon as possible! These are sent at the discretion and convenience of the Public Relations Chair.
How do I subscribe to Falkenpost?
Please click on this link to register for the Falkenpost. You will be added to the list and will begin receiving a regular Falkenpost until you unsubscribe. We want all Fairview families to get the Falkenpost so encourage everyone you know to subscribe.
What types of submissions are appropriate for the Falkenpost?
We want to hear about anything of interest to our students and their families. Community and school events and important announcements for Fairview families are great. Advertisements for “for-profit” businesses are generally not published. If you have a question about whether or not something is appropriate, just email and I will get back to you.
How do I submit items of interest to the Falkenpost?
Please send an email to pr@gebas.org no later than Monday’s at 5:00pm. All entries are reviewed and published at the discretion of the GEBAS board. Please write out a full description of what you want included.
We welcome any feedback you may have on the Falkenpost!