A culture of excellence within a diverse learning community
A magnet school with a German-language-based curriculum; founded in 1888, it has evolved into one of Cincinnati Public School's consistently top-performing schools. Fairview-Clifton's vision is to be an empowered and vibrant school dedicated to academics, German and the arts, fostering a culture of excellence within a diverse learning community with unique traditions, to provide opportunities for each child to reach full potential as a world citizen.
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Upcoming Events
Jan 13th GEBAS Meeting
Feb 10 - 14 Read A Thon
Mar 15 Fasching!
Find out about Fairview-Clifton, the GEBAS, mission, our events, and the results of our efforts.
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Fairview-Clifton thrives with the contributions and volunteer efforts of our parents, staff and community!
Schoology and Power School log in information was sent home with your student. Please notify your homeroom teacher if yo need this, or if you can't reach your Homeroom Teacher, Vickie Bush has access to this info. Her email is: bushvic@cps-k12.org
parent Technical Support Center
The Parent Technical Support Center is now available to help you` troubleshoot issues with CPS devices, connectivity and software. Call or email them when you need help, but are not at a CPS school.
Call the center at 513-363-0688 or email fts@cps-k12.org between 8am and 6pm, Monday through Friday, to:
Reset passwords for Google, Schoology and Powerschool
Troubleshoot connectivity issues
Log into the computer
Repair a CPS device that has been damaged or is not working
Troubleshoot access to Google Meet, Google Calendar, Gmail and other standard software